Catskill has successfully executed removal and remedial actions to prevent the threat of off site migration of pollutants at Superfund sites throughout our 25 year history. These actions are defined as; impacted soil excavation, waste removal, impermeable cap construction, water treatment, soil vapor intrusion, and facility decontamination as the level of action requires.
- Removal actions are typically short-term responses, which are achieved by addressing the immediate release or threat of release which require prompt response. Removal responses are generally used to address localized risks such as abandoned drums containing hazardous substances, and contaminated surface soils posing acute risks to human health or the environment.
- Remedial actions are long-term responses. Remedial actions seek to permanently and significantly reduce the risks associated with releases or threats of releases of hazardous substances. These responses are larger and focused upon the removal and containment of the hazard. The prevention of these pollutants, from migrating offsite, include a combination of removal, treatment, and/or neutralizing hazardous substances.

Select Project Experience
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Pfizer – KL Avenue Group
West KL Avenue Landfill Superfund Site Closure
Construction of a 65-acre multi-layered landfill closure
Site grading, waste relocation, excavation, final cover soil, 10,000 LF HDPE piping, GCL, geomembrane liner, composite, 8,000 LF of surface water controls, stormwater pond construction, landfill gas blower and enclosed flare installation; and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Confidential Industrial Client, Muskegon, MI
MBA Shallow Groundwater Conveyance System
Modifications of existing groundwater extraction wells, installation of 3,100 LF of groundwater conveyance piping, installation of 3,100 LF of electrical and communication conduit, Installation of above ground electrical and electrical connection, installation 2 pipe system cleanouts with concrete vaults; erection and fabrication of the flow control building; installation of pipe manifold, tie in to the existing system and restoration.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Kent County Michigan
Kentwood Landfill Active Landfill Gas Collection System Constructions
5,000 lf HDPE collection pipe, 27 wellheads, 10 leachate collection pumps, 2 blower/flare skid units & electrical controls, 20,000 SF geosynthetic system slope stabilization, site grading and restoration.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Lyondell Environmental Custodial Trust
Allied Paper Inc., Portage Creek, Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, Allied Paper Inc. OU1
Test pitting and subsurface investigations; Dewatering and paper sludge loading pilot studies.

We are ready to help you solve your environmental remediation problems today.
Call now 810.775.3649