Catskill preforms construction services to abate groundwater and soil contamination resulting from discharge and spillage of petroleum, hazardous & non-hazardous materials. Our experience includes excavation and removal, permeable barrier treatment walls, groundwater collection & treatment systems, SVE/AS collection and treatment systems, and passive bioremediation systems.
Catskill has assisted communities and consulting engineers in excavation, isolation, capping intercept walls and other remedial methods to allow for alternative use of former Brownfield sites.
Catskill provides services including excavation and removal, impacted water treatment, sheet piling and other support system installation, demolition, backfill and restoration at MGP sites.
Catskill utilizing scarification, shot blasting, steam and high-pressure water to decontaminate pavement, buildings and other surfaces. Materials abated include PCBs, chlorinated & non-chlorinated organic compounds and heavy metals.

Select Project Experience
Client Name:
Project Name:
EQ – The Environmental Quality Company
NiSource – Delaware Ohio Facility
Excavation of soils and sludges at a closed manufacturing gas plant.
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Project Name:
Automotive Components Holding
7700 Michigan Avenue, Saline, MI
Soil excavation, tank removal, stormwater pond sediment removal, underground pipe removal and backfilling.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc.
Eagle Picher Facility – Inkster, MI
Excavation, transportation and disposal of 15,000 tons of non-hazardous impacted soil.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Automotive Components Holding
7700 Michigan Avenue, Saline, MI
PCB impacted soil removal from wetland, oil/water separators installed.
Client Name:
Project Name:
EQ Industrial Services, Inc.
Former Paramount Die Casting Facility Stevensville, MI
PCB soil excavated a total of 19,000 tons from a former industrial site, clean backfill and restoration.
Client Name:
Project Name:
DTE Eng. Corp Services, LLC.
Mich-Con – Mt. Pleasant, MI
Excavation, transportation and disposal of soils and residues from a former manufactured gas plant totaling 11,000 tons.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Horizon Environmental
Reclamation Oil, Detroit MI
Excavation, loading and transport of over 8,500 tons contaminated soils and concrete; and install clean backfill.
Client Name:
Project Name:
EQ – The Environmental Quality Company
Dearborn Refining Site Dearborn, MI
Excavation of 35,000 CY of contaminated soils, hauling and placement of clean backfill.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Shaw Environmental, Inc.
Chanute Air Force Base, Fire Pit Excavation, Rantoul, IL
Excavation of 82,000 CY of contaminated soils, hauling and placement of clean backfill.
Client Name:
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Major Components:
AMEC Wheeler Foster Environment and Infrastructure
Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mt. Clemens, MI
Excavation and removal of soil impacted with petroleum material, hauling and placement of clean backfill; and restoration.

We are ready to help you solve your environmental remediation problems today.
Call now 810.775.3649