Catskill has 25 years of landfill construction and maintenance experience. We have completed over 350 projects including cell construction, multilayered cap installation, methane and leachate collection and treatment, excavation of buried hazardous and non-hazardous waste material. Our projects have included closed and operating facilities, Superfund sites, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) sites at municipal and private facilities.

Select Project Experience
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Former Warner Lambert Plant Final Closure Construction
Construction of a 21-acre multi-layered closure
Site grading, 3,100 LF access road, final cover soil, 8,700 LF drain tile, GCL, geomembrane liner, 802 LF lakeshore rip-rap stabilization and revegetation.
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Major Components:
Kalamazoo Valley Group (KVG) – Georgia Pacific
KVG Landfill Closure
Construction of a 15-acre multi-layered landfill closure
Site grading, 280,000 CY soil excavation, final cover soil, 8,000 LF HDPE piping, geomembrane liner, and revegetation.
Client Name:
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Major Components:
Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio
Franklin County Sanitary Landfill Phase H3 Stage 1 Separatory Liner Construction
Construction of a 20-acre multi-layered landfill cell
Site grading, waste consolidation, 280,000 CY soil excavation, interim cover soil, GCL, geomembrane liner, geocomposite, leachate collection sand and piping, landfill gas venting system, landfill gas flare and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
United States Air Force
Former Chanute AFB Landfill Closure Construction
Construction of a 16-acre multi-layered landfill closure
Site grading, waste relocation, excavation, final cover soil, 8,000 LF HDPE piping, GCL, geomembrane liner, stormwater pond construction and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Ashtabula River Group
Ashtabula River Remediation Project Closure of TSCA Containment Facility
Construction of a 12-acre multi-layered TSCA landfill closure
Site grading, waste consolidation, 72,000 CY soil fill, GCL, geomembrane liner, geocomposite, landfill gas venting system and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Pfizer – KL Avenue Group
West KL Avenue Landfill Superfund Site Closure
Construction of a 65-acre multi-layered landfill closure
Site grading, waste relocation, excavation, final cover soil, 10,000 LF HDPE piping, GCL, geomembrane liner, composite, 8,000 LF of surface water controls, stormwater pond construction, landfill gas blower and enclosed flare installation; and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
City of Westland
Former National Airport Property Landfill Contaminated Soil Cap
Construction of a 28-acre landfill soil cap
Site grading, 52,000 CY waste relocation, excavation, 189,000 CY cover soil, pond construction and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
United States Air National Guard
Selfridge Air National Guard Base Landfill Closure
Construction of a 9.5-acre landfill closure
Site grading, excavation, 30,000 CY cover soil, GCL installation and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Kent County Department of Public Works
South Kent County Landfill – Cells 37, 39 and 40 Construction
Construction of 3 new double composite lined landfill cells totaling over 20-acres
Site grading, excavation, structural fill, GCL, geomembrane, geocomposite, leachate and landfill gas collection systems, litter fence and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Waste Management, Inc.
Westside RDF Cell 15B & 15C Construction
Construction of Landfill 8-acre double composite lined cells
7 acres of tree clearing, 71,000 CY excavation, 89,000 CY structural fill, 344,000 SF sand cushion layer, GCL, geomembrane, geocomposite, HDPE pipe leachate collection system constructed, and 379,000 SF drainage layer.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Granger Waste Services
Grand River and Wood Street Landfills – Cells 8-01, 10-03, 16-20; Closures 1-86 and 2-87
Construction of 3 new landfill Cells totaling 31 acres, and 2 Landfill Closures totaling over 7 acres
Site grading, excavation, structural fill, GCL, geomembrane, geocomposite, leachate and landfill gas collection systems, sand drainage layer, protective soil layer and revegetation.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Republic Services, Inc.
Ottawa County Farms Landfill Phase 9 Cell Construction and Final Cover
Construction of landfill 10-acre multi-layered soil and geosynthetic cell; construction of 5-acres of soil lined landfill final closure, and 9.2-acres soil and geosynthetics (geomembrane, geocomposite, GCL) final cover.
Phase 9 Cell – 560,000 CY excavation, 24,100 CY structural fill, 75,000 CY compost stockpile relocation, 17,600 CY of granular drainage layer, 4,400 LF of leachate collection piping, leachate conveyance pump, pump pad, manhole and control panels; sumps, 1,800 LF dual contained leachate gravity drain.
Final Closure (soil and geosynthetics lined areas) – 57,200 CY compacted clay liner, 57,200 CY protective soil placement, 28,600 CY vegetative layer placement, 50,000 CY soil diversion berm and downchutes, 4,060 LF final cover drainage piping and downchutes, 15-acres seeding, fertilizer and mulching. Upgrades to site stormwater infrastructure including sedimentation basin and outlet structures, culverts, and new ditch construction. 4,300 LF of access road construction, 5-acres of site revegetation and 125 new tree plantings.
Client Name:
Project Name:
Major Components:
Advanced Disposal Services
Arbor Hills Landfill 2020 West Slope Final Cover
Construction of landfill final cover totaling 17-acre
17-acres clearing and grubbing, 23,000 CY intermediate cover (clay), 6,700 LF above geosynthetics drainage piping, 64,500 CY protective cover soil, 3,450 LF of stormwater diversion berms, 3,800 LF toe drain installation, modifications to over 30 landfill gas collection wells and apparatus’, 14,000 CY topsoil and 17.6 acres of seeding and mulch.

We are ready to help you solve your environmental remediation problems today.
Call now 810.775.3649